What type of Canada Pension Plan should I apply for?

You can apply for different types of Canada Pension Plan:
A pension is a regular payment made by an employer or the government, typically to provide people over a certain age with income.
There are different types of pension plans: defined-benefit plans, defined-contribution plans and non-contributory pension plan

    Pension dictionary
    Non-contributory pension plan - A pension plan that is fully paid for by the employer and the entire cost of the plan not requiring an employee contributions.
    In a defined-contribution plan the employer makes predefined contributions for the employee, but the amount of benefits depends on the investment's performance.
    In a defined-benefit plan, the employer guarantee to the employee receive a definite amount of benefit upon retirement, regardless of the performance of the company.
    Joint Pension or Survivor Pension: pays a benefit to a retiree for life and, after death, to his spouse or partner.
    Locked-in Retirement Account (LIRA): Locked-in Retirement Savings Plan (LRSP), are Canadian investment accounts designed specifically to hold locked-in pension funds for former plan members, former spouses or common-law partners, or surviving spouses or partners. Funds held inside LIRAs/LRSPs only become available (unlocked) to people over a certain age.
    Pension Abbreviation
  1. CPP Canada Pension Plan
  2. IPP individual pension plan
  3. IRA individual retirement account
  4. LIRA Locked-in Retirement Account
  5. OAS Old Age Security
  6. PA pension adjustment
  7. PAR pension adjustment reversal
  8. PRPP Pooled Registered Pension Plan
  9. PSPA past service pension adjustment
  10. RPP registered pension plan
  11. RRIF Registered Retirement Income Fund
  12. RRSP Registered Retirement Savings Plan
  13. TFSA Tax-Free Savings Account

  14. List of Useful online resources
  15. http://www.canpension.ca/

    Canadian Pensioners Concerned founded in 1969, is a membership-based, non-partisan, voluntary organization of mature Canadians committed to preserving and enhancing a human-centred vision of life.

  16. www.ocsco.ca - Ontario Society of Senior Citizens' Organizations

    OCSCO is a provincial organization and a registered charity. Founded in 1986, our mission is to improve the quality of life for Ontario's seniors through offering education programs, policy and research, information, referral, counseling, research materials, outreach and support, self-help and vounteer programs
    OCSCO's programs include: Educational Programs, Information, Referral and Counselling Services, Outreach and Support, Self-help Services, Volunteer Programs, Policy and Research and a toll free telephone line: 1-800-265-0779.

  17. http://www.acer-cart.org - CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED TEACHERS
  18. http://unionretiree.ca/ - Congress of Union Retirees of Canada
  19. http://www.ariapensions.ca/ - Alliance for Retirement Income Adequacy to ensure that the ongoing pension debate, here in Canada and around the world, includes ongoing, current and meaningful discussion of the importance of adequate income in retirement.
  20. Seniors Canada http://www.seniors.gc.ca
  21. Ontario Seniors Secretariat www.ontarioseniors.ca

    Books about Canada Pension
  22. Pension Confidential: 50 Things You Don't Know About Your Pension and Investments by Robert Drummond, Chris Roberts 2013
  23. Retirement's Harsh New Realities: Protecting Your Money in a Changing World by Gordon Pape, 2012

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